Suresh Babu R

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  1. Smile is a greeting — 57 comments
  2. Genuine Way to Success — 49 comments
  3. Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi — 26 comments
  4. Solar Power Bonsai Tree — 18 comments
  5. Amazing how our brain works — 14 comments

Author's posts

Never Give UP Quotes

Never give up – When you feel like giving up it will be difficult for you to stay firm. You may feel like your realm is putrefying low around you, and you have left with no choice. But remember the cause of your thought is since you neglect about the large picture. So, stop focusing …

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Improve Website Performance

how to Improve Website Performance

It’s very important to reduce load time of your website because it also has an influence on your blog’s SEO . If your blog takes more time to load then there is higher chance

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How to Control Anger

how to control anger

“If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.” – Chinese Proverb It is very difficult to be angry in a right manner. All anger is not bad, though most of the time most anger is to be evaded. Anger is justifiable when it is directed against …

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Success Quotes

Success quotes and motivational mottos have a remarkable capability to transformation the method we feel about life. Following success quotes will be really helpful for you to achieve your success. Best Success Quotes While most are dreaming of success, winners wake-up and work hard to achieve it. – Unknown Too many people go through life …

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Intelligence Quotes

A must read intelligence quotes

Genius is initiative on fire. – Holbrook Jackson Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. – Henry Ford Always remember, you are braver than you believe, You are stronger than you seem, And you are smarter than you think. Intelligence without ambition is bird without wings – Salvador Dali Talent …

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The Power of Concentration

power of concentration quote

“The power of concentration is the only key to the treasure-house of knowledge. “ – Swami Vivekananda . Concentration is the essence of all Knowledge; nothing can be done without it. Ninety percent of thought Force is squandered by the normal human being, and then he is continually committing mistakes; the trained man’s

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Bloom Your Positive Thoughts by Reading Positive Quotes

read positive quotes

The difference between can and cannot are only three letters. Three letters that determine your life’s direction. “Negative thoughts can wash off good intentions. Positive thinking is the key to success. Read a collection of quotes that boost your morale.” Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change …

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