Life is packed with lows and highs —bliss and brawls all these things are your strength and uprightness, drive yourself to overcome challenges and depart you with classes that will build you further stronger on your way ahead. It is the technique you think and feel about yourself, involving your anticipations and beliefs about what …
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Sep 06
Smile is a greeting
Smile is very important for all human beings. There are different types of smile like Happy smile, Sweet smile, Love smile, Proud smile, Confident smile, Cheered up smile, Satisfied smile, Naughty smile, Amused smile, Thoughtful smile, Beautiful smile, Lucky smile Etc. Smile is greeting that invites happiness, positive energy, solves problems, keeps our mind calm …
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Aug 28
Money Money is more important in every human’s life. With Money you can buy every thing like, luxurious life , beautiful house, luxurious car , foreign tours, Respect, etc., With money, we can obtain an advanced education that may aid us in the development of genius and extraordinary achievements. At the same time there are …
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Aug 18
Music plays a very important role in every human’s life which helps to lower anxiety and improve positive mood in people. Music therapy is a kind of medicine. Brave heart, recently came out in full support of the practice advocating music therapy as a cure for cancer patients. Even car, during long drive drivers play …
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Aug 15
Expression Angel
Expression Angel I would like to share about my “expression angel” with you. She is very active and naughty girl too. Always she talks thro’ her expressions. If she wants to say any comment on my recipes, she will not talk, she will just show her expression’s. One day we decided to take pictures (minimum …
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Aug 12
Stars under the water
Stars Under the water Every day I used to watch stars on the sky., with out seeing sky, moon and stars I will not go to sleep. One day its really wonderful experience for me, that day we went outing. There, the very first time I saw stars under the water . You know I saw …
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