Category: Motivation

How to Develop Trust in God

Trust in God. Never think that God’s delays are God’s denials. God always gives us everything we need for the job he has called for. Let’s use what we have and what we are to the fullest. Life will not always be smooth. Let us not get disheartened by the hindrances in life, rather let …

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Don’t Quit On Yourself

Don’t Quit On Yourself story

“A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.” – Quote Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes, courage is the little voice at the end of the day says… “I will try again tomorrow.”

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Motivations To Start Running From Tomorrow

Motivations To Start Running From Tomorrow

Running decreases any risk factors for cardiac diseases, and strengthens the heart more so than other forms of exercise given its ability to drive the heart rate up and keep it sustained at a high rate. Along with this, there are tons of reasons you should run every day whether you are looking to build …

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What is self-efficacy?

What is self-efficacy?

Self-efficacy determines how powerfully you believe in your abilities. It’s task-related, which means you can have great self-efficacy in one area and low self-efficacy in another. However, the general sense of self-efficacy touches all aspects of your life, as earlier success constructs more confidence in your abilities.

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Reason Why Some People Failed In Their Life

Be focused - focus is the driving force of your life

Your focus is the driving force of your life. Your focus guaranteed you your grand success. Consequently, it depends on you where you want to focus yourself in your life.

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Your Positivity Thoughts Do Miracle In Your Life-Inspiring Story

Your Positivity Thoughts Do Miracle In Your Life-Inspiring Story

This is a real story – Positivity Thoughts Do Miracle In Your Life In Singapore, a 45-year-old woman went to the doctor to check her breathing problem in the hospital. The doctor diagnosed her and declared with a sad tone, “Madam, I am very sorry. You have heart cancer in the last stage.”

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How Will Positivity Help To Gears Up Your Slow Moves

How Will Positivity help To Gears Up Your Slow Moves

If you want to gear up your life to the door of success deprived of any break or obstacle, then you must be positive in your every move and every approach.

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