Category: Motivation

How To Become Excellent – Inspiring Story

How To Become Excellent – Inspiring Story

We all like to hear the words, ‘well done!’ ‘Great performance!’ ‘Brilliant Job!’ ‘Excellent!’ We do hear it often in our lives when we perform anything exceptional. Where do they come from? What is your measure of excellence? How to become an Excellent Person There is this beautiful marble statue in a museum that people …

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What Is Success For You?

What Is Success For You?

Success is not out there, someplace you can reach with a ladder. Rather, it is a part of your life and you find it at every step of the ladder of life which all of us have to slowly climb.

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Best And Easy Way To Educate Your Child About Money Maintenance

Best And Easy Way To Educate Your Child About Money Maintenance

Every parent wants their kids to get the best education in best of schools. They want them to grow up and pursue a good career with a lot of prosperity. Well, during school age, parents often forget to teach their children financial responsibilities wherein it is important to know how to save money. If you …

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Why A Strong Will Is Important To Succeed?

Why A Strong Will Is Important To Succeed?

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” I believe that success is achieved by ordinary people with extraordinary determination. Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.

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Why Hard Work Is Important For Success

Why Hard Work Is Important For Success

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. – Tim Notke Success also means hard work. Winners work harder than losers. They practice. They study. They sacrifice and make hard choices. They are the first ones to come to work in the morning and the last ones to leave at night. Based on their …

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How to Develop Trust in God

Trust in God. Never think that God’s delays are God’s denials. God always gives us everything we need for the job he has called for. Let’s use what we have and what we are to the fullest. Life will not always be smooth. Let us not get disheartened by the hindrances in life, rather let …

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Don’t Quit On Yourself

Don’t Quit On Yourself story

“A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits.” – Quote Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes, courage is the little voice at the end of the day says… “I will try again tomorrow.”

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