Category: Health

How To Setup Own Meditation Room In Your Home

How To Setup Own Meditation Room In Your Home

Meditation is a great thing to enhance peace, positivity etc. in your life and everyone should do to have a peaceful life. If you are bust don’t have time to stopover the meditation centre, then you create one meditation room for yourself in your home. Here are some ideas to setup your own meditation room. …

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Proven Home Remedies For Some Common Health Problems

Proven Home Remedies For Some Common Health Problems

Since ancient days, we have many home remedies in the home itself to cure common health issues like cold, cough. Along with natural treating, these home remedies don’t get you any side effects. Here is the list of common health issues we face and remedies for them.

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40 Tips From ISHA YOGA For Better Life

Tips for happiest life

Yoga in daily life is very improtant, as it helps to develop our physical, mental, social and spiritual health. If the body is physically fit, then the mind focused, clear and stress will be under control. Important advice on Yoga: Walk Every Day at least for 10-30 Minutes’ . And While Walking keep Smile on …

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Know About Fruits And Their Benefits

Fruit comes from the transformation of the ovary of a flower after fertilization. The ovary protects and nourishes the seeds until they are ripe and then helps with their dispersal. Different fruits do this different ways.

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Ways To Relieve Stress

When you are an anvil, hold you still; When you are a hammer, strike your till. – John Florio As john Florio said, life is a great balance between the anvil and hammer. It may sound strange. All of us suffer the perpetual struggle between success and failure, between hope and despair, between joy and …

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Apple – Natural Medicine

“Nothing can substitute nature” Apple is a marvelous fruit. It is “king” of all fruits. Greek and Roman mythologies stated that, apples are symbols of love and beauty with an eclectic, perspective, perhaps. I am very sure any person is healthy and hearty looks beautiful emit radiance and glow in happiness after all health is wealth. …

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Renew Yourself

Anandmurthi Guruma said in a satsang that “Mind is good servant, but bad master”,. Our thoughts are emanates from our mind, so mind is our master. The great Rishis yore had examined and concluded that change for the better can be brought only by a change of the mood of the mind . If that …

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