Suresh Babu R

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  1. Smile is a greeting — 57 comments
  2. Genuine Way to Success — 49 comments
  3. Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi — 26 comments
  4. Solar Power Bonsai Tree — 18 comments
  5. Amazing how our brain works — 14 comments

Author's posts

Choose Your Thoughts Wisely To Bring Positive Changes

Think good, and good follows. Think evil and evil follows. You are what you think all day long. It is your thoughts going to bring positive changes in your life. Subconscious mind – how it takes your command Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you …

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Change Your Life To Better By Changing The Attitudes Of Mind

Attitudes the basis and foundation of the ladder of success. According to William James, “The greatest discovery of our generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind!” today, attitudes determine success most of the time. Who you are and where you are today are results of your …

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Why You Must Transform Yourself From Good To Better

Reinvent yourself means nothing but transform yourself from good to better, and from better to best. Reinvent is nothing but turning yourself from into perfection, making yourself into excellence, knowing your true self and finding your hidden potential. All you need is already exist in this world. For example, all five elements like earth, fire, …

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Inspiring story – Positive thoughts do miracles in your life

An inspiring story – learn how positive thoughts do miracles in life. When a great explorer, Christopher Columbus set up his voyage in the Atlantic Ocean from Spain with the hope of finding new lands and great treasures, at that time he won’t think that he would discover Americans or America in his journey in …

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5 Signs You’re Giving Power To Negative People In Your Life

Have you still feeling irritated by somebody’s (negative people) impolite behavior that made you wake up in the mid of the night thinking about that particular person?  Or, did you spot that you are always complaining about the same individual often or every day? Remember, Negative people should capture the tiniest sum of an area …

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Mind-sets for keeping your positive energy Alive

The power of positive thinking, positive energy has become a widespread concept, and it also proved and demonstrated by multiple scientific studies that positive thinking welfares us mentally and physically. A positive mind-set can give you more positive energy like feeling confidence, develop your mood, and reduces hypertension, hopelessness and other stress-related sicknesses. Ok, everything is fine, …

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Best Quotes From Bhagavad​ Gita Must Read Everyday To live a worthy life

The Bhagavad Gita, is a Hindu scripture solidified in Sanskrit. It is exactly “The Songs of the Holy Lord,” frequently signified to as merely the Gita. Scholars says that the verse was comprised earlier amid of the second century BCE and the second century CE, and it is popularly known as Mahabharata.  The Bhagavad Gita is all about the significance …

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