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- Amazing how our brain works — 14 comments
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May 06
“Never regret you past, rather embrace it as the teacher that it is.” The most unfaithful drawback we are to avoid, according to the Bhagavad-Gita, is our habit of wasting our precious span of existence in vain regrets and futile anxieties over actual or imagined losses or disappointments. Time that has gone to fill up …
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Apr 30
You have to set goal that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential. What are the are the secret to achieve your cherished goal? The two important factors are: Withstanding the pressure of …
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Apr 21
A strong body is a great help in overcoming fear complexes. So first and foremost, strengthen your body through regular and methodical exercise. Remember the idiom: “A sound mind in a sound body.”
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Apr 16
“The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading.” – David Baile Let us look at the process described by swami Vivekananda to overcome unwanted thoughts.
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Apr 14
Swami Vivekananda advices us to first develop faith in ourselves and later in God. But in practical life how can we develop faith in ourselves? It can come not by just reading books, but by putting in to practicing what is being read.
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Apr 07
“A goal without a plan is just a wish” ‘Plan better and achieve more’ is the cry that we hear these days from all professors of management and administration, theories which have now assumed the status of a science?
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