A person with low self-esteem generally has a negative perception of their own worth. It basically means that you don’t think well of yourself. Low self-esteem can be attributed to a variety of things, including your sense of identity, your level of confidence, your perception of your competence, and your sense of belonging.
Self-esteem entails more than just feeling generally positive about yourself; it also involves believing that you are deserving of affection and placing value on your own ideas, feelings, beliefs, pursuits, and objectives. It may also influence how you let other people treat you.

Self-esteem affects not only how you feel about and treat yourself, but it can also have an impact on how driven you are to pursue your goals in life and how well you are able to form supportive, healthy relationships. Low self-esteem can be a very serious issue because it is crucial to many different aspects of life.
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When you have poor self-esteem, you frequently have negative thoughts, pass judgment on yourself, and lack confidence in your talents.
Signs of low Self-Esteem
Even though it is not a mental illness, low self-esteem can have an impact on a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavioural habits. Sometimes, its symptoms are pretty obvious. Sometimes the signs of poor self-esteem are considerably more subtle.
As an illustration, some people with low self-esteem criticize themselves while others go out of their way to win over others’ approval. Lack of self-worth and value can be detrimental to life and wellness in any situation.
Symptoms of low self-esteem include, among others:
You can also take self-esteem assessments online to see if you have a low sense of worth. For instance, the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, a test used to assess self-esteem in studies, is available for free download from the Open-Source Psychometrics Projects.
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Low Self-confidence
Low self-esteem and low self-confidence often go hand in hand. Lack of confidence can lead to or exacerbate low self-esteem, but it can also be a contributing factor to low confidence.
You can depend on yourself to handle a variety of scenarios if you have confidence in both yourself and your ability.This self-confidence allows you to feel at ease and certain when dealing with a wide range of situations in life, which can be beneficial for your general wellbeing.
Developing your self-confidence and self-awareness might be beneficial. One strategy you may use is learning and using new abilities.As research links a lack of confidence with increased anxiety levels, especially under stress, this may even assist lessen feelings of anxiety.
Concern and doubt
People with poor self-worth frequently worry that they made the wrong decision even after making it. Instead of standing by their decisions, they may mistrust their own judgment and give in to peer pressure.
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This can cause a lot of self-doubt and second-guessing. People with poor self-esteem find it more difficult to make decisions about their lives as a result.
Adverse/Negative Self-Talk
People with low self-esteem tend to concentrate more on their weaknesses than their assets. They constantly appear to have something terrible to say about themselves and engage in negative self-talk rather than uplifting themselves.
People with poor self-esteem frequently place the blame for mistakes on themselves. Whether it be their appearance, their demeanor, or their skills, they find something wrong with themselves.
Comparative Social Negativity
Social comparison can occasionally be beneficial and improve a person’s feeling of self. However, it can also harm your self-esteem to compare yourself to others.Upward social comparison, or comparing oneself to those one believes to be better than oneself, is something that persons with poor self-esteem may be more likely to do.
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Positive social comparison isn’t always a bad thing. These comparisons, for instance, can serve as a source of knowledge and motivation for development. But when someone feels inadequate or hopeless, it can undermine their self-esteem.
Such comparisons may be facilitated by social media, which lowers one’s self-esteem. Your self-esteem may suffer if you frequently compare yourself negatively to other users on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Lack of Restraint
Low self-esteem sufferers frequently believe they have little control over their lives or their fate. This may be brought on by the belief that they are unable to alter the course of the world or themselves. They feel helpless to take any action to solve their problems since they have an external locus of control.
According to research, having a better sense of self-worth might help mitigate some of the negative consequences of situations when people have little control over what happens, which ultimately improves mental health.
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It may be beneficial for your wellbeing to find techniques to boost your self-esteem if you feel like you have no control over your life or circumstance.
Trying to please Others:
Another typical sign of poor self-esteem is trying to please others. People who don’t feel good about themselves may go above and above to make sure that others are at ease and content in order to receive external recognition.
It’s common for people to disregard their own needs in order to please others. A person with poor self-esteem ends up saying yes to things they may not want to do and feels bad about declining.
Absence of Limitations
Boundary-setting skills are frequently developed early in life. Children who have parents who respect and value them are better equipped to establish healthy boundaries in adult relationships. Additionally, they are more likely to have a more favorable overall image of themselves.
Setting boundaries with others might be challenging for people who have poor self-esteem. If they try to create or uphold a barrier, they could feel terrible about it or worry that people won’t like them anymore.
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When people disrespect a person’s time and space, a lack of appropriate boundaries can lead to issues. The person may feel less valued as a result of the lack of respect, which not only increases their stress levels.
Issues with Requesting What You Need
Low self-esteem might make it difficult for someone to ask for what they want. Feeling humiliated can make it difficult to ask for what you need. You might also think that asking for help and support is a sign of incompetence.
Someone who has poor self-esteem may also believe they are unworthy of assistance because of their low regard for themselves. They struggle to establish themselves when they are in need since they don’t put their own needs first.
Poor Prognosis
The perception that there is little probability that the future will be any better than the present can be brought on by low self-worth. People with low self-esteem may find it difficult to act in ways that would result in positive life changes due to these emotions of hopelessness.
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Self-harm is a typical strategy for coping with these emotions. People with low self-esteem can find other people or things to blame for not accomplishing their objectives or experiencing higher levels of enjoyment in their lives by looking for barriers to success.
Anxiety of failing
People with low self-esteem mistrust their capacity to succeed because they lack confidence in their abilities. They sometimes shy away from problems or give up easily without giving it their all because they are afraid of failing.
Behaviors like lashing out when things go wrong or trying to find ways to cover up feelings of inadequacy are examples of how this fear of failure manifests itself. In addition to making excuses, blaming outside forces, or attempting to minimize the importance of the task, people with poor self-esteem may do such.
Having trouble accepting compliments
According to a 2017 study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, a lack of self-esteem is strongly associated to one’s inability to accept or take advantage of others’ compliments.
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Positive criticism is frequently seen with mistrust and skepticism. People with low self-esteem may interpret compliments as being flippant or even nasty since they conflict with how they view themselves.
People with poor self-esteem have a hard time accepting praises from others since they don’t feel good about themselves.