230 results for thoughts

The Top 18 Reasons Your Adult Children Are Cutting Off Contact With You

The relationship between a parent and their child is meant to be unbreakable and irreplaceable. However, why do so many children want to grow up cut off from their parents? There are several straightforward but various explanations for this, including the fact that their parents constantly ignore and breach boundaries and never express regret for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/parenting/the-top-18-reasons-your-adult-children-are-cutting-off-contact-with-you/

The Million-Dollar One-Person Business: Book Summary

The Million-Dollar One-Person Business is an extensive manual for running a company in which you are the sole proprietor.If you are a lone proprietor, Elaine Pofeldt’s book provides management advice for salable internet firms. It will instruct you on how to hire staff, contract out services, and grow your company. If you want to venture …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/book-summary/the-million-dollar-one-person-business-book-summary/

The Mountain Is You: Book Summary

Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery” In order to overcome trauma, deal with life’s obstacles, and heal emotional wounds, readers of The Mountain Is You can work on their potential and tap into their own inner power by accepting change, visualizing a prosperous future, and ceasing self-sabotage. Mountains have long been used to symbolically represent spiritual awakenings, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/book-summary/the-mountain-is-you-book-summary/

12 Methods for Being Productive Without Rushing

Here’s why productivity increases if you slow down. It is possible for the pursuit of success to seem never-ending. Some liken it to riding a stationary bike. This is a logical analogy! Imagine yourself riding that stationary bike with an insatiable need to increase productivity. Even at your fastest, you are unable to advance even …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/uncategorized/12-methods-for-being-productive-without-rushing/

19 Messages of Optimism When You Need Inspiration

Here are some powerful self-affirmations to help you remember how valuable you are.Throughout life, we all experience periods of uncertainty, worry, and doubt. We require a ray of hope and a word of encouragement to get us through these difficult times. These twenty inspiring messages will increase your soul’s temperature and rekindle its fire. To …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/19-messages-of-optimism-when-you-need-inspiration/

If Your Parenting Styles Include Any of These 10, You’re a Toxic Parent!

A person’s relationships and mental health may suffer long-term consequences as a result of toxic parenting. Unfortunately, identifying toxic parental conduct can be challenging. Fortunately, many have contributed their knowledge and perspectives on recognizing toxic parenting. These are some telltale signs of a toxic parent, based on a topic about recognizing toxic parenting. Parenting – …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/parenting/if-your-parenting-styles-include-any-of-these-10-youre-a-toxic-parent/

21 Gaslighting Words Abusive Persons Use To Manipulate Others

People that are abusive are skilled at employing expressions which you might not recognize as abusive. They say stuff that will make you doubt your mental and memory abilities. The abuser will keep pulling their victim down by using the gaslighting phrases. Psychologists explain that the abuser targets other people. They gradually start by making …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/personalities/21-gaslighting-words-abusive-persons-use-to-manipulate-others/