230 results for thoughts

Your Beliefs Become Your Thoughts

how your beliefs become your thoughts

“Nothing binds you except your thoughts, nothing limits you except your fear, and nothing controls you except your beliefs”. – Marriane Williamson Your attitudes, feelings and life experience reflect your beliefs. How you express yourself follows your beliefs. If a man beliefs system is rigid, he will not allow new ideas to enter into his …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/your-beliefs-become-your-thoughts/

Techniques To Blow Your Negative Thoughts

easy way to remove negative thoughts

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results”. – Willie Nelson Obsessive thinking – it may be in any form which does not have practical value, and which thinking make us suffer will create negative thinking. You are the one who got to choose which thoughts you want to let …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/techniques-to-blow-your-negative-thoughts/

Bloom Your Positive Thoughts by Reading Positive Quotes

read positive quotes

The difference between can and cannot are only three letters. Three letters that determine your life’s direction. “Negative thoughts can wash off good intentions. Positive thinking is the key to success. Read a collection of quotes that boost your morale.” Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/quotes/bloom-your-positive-thoughts-by-reading-positive-quotes/

12 Habits You Generally Acquired if You Were Not Loved as a Child

Kids don’t need toys, holidays, or other possessions to make them happy; they deserve the best in the world. It’s the unwavering affection and support they get from their parents. Regretfully, some parents—intentionally or not—don’t communicate their sentiments to their kids in a way that would make them feel loved and valued. This may have …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/parenting/habits-you-generally-acquired-if-you-were-not-loved-as-a-child/

Structuring Your Mentality For Success

Success – Extensive and in-depth studies of successful people reveal that their achievement was a result of their own beliefs. Their prosperity was driven by their thoughts. As a result, having mental toughness is crucial before setting out on any successful endeavor. The mind is incredibly adaptable and may be successfully educated and reprogrammed. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/success/structuring-your-mentality-for-success/

15 Clear Symptoms of an Emotionally Unstable Individual

Emotionally unstable people find it difficult to comprehend and control their feelings. They are forced to turn to erratic outbursts of rage and irritation, reactive emotions, and difficulty empathizing with others as a result. Even though it’s difficult, knowing what they’re going through is essential to assisting them in getting the treatment and support they …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/personalities/15-clear-symptoms-of-an-emotionally-unstable-individual/

19 Rules You Should Follow To Ensure You Achieve Your Life Goals!

Achieving success is no coincidence. It takes more than chance or good fortune to have a GREAT life. There won’t be a meteor shower. No magic wand exists. There’s no magic bullet. A well-known idea in economics and business is the 80/20 rule. It implies that 20% of the time and effort get 80% of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/19-rules-you-should-follow-to-ensure-you-achieve-your-life-goals/