10 Points For Effective Feedback

10points for effective feedback

Get to the point quickly: lengthy introductions may cause your listener to turn off before you arrive at what it is you really want to say. Don’t go over the top with praise: if you something critical to say, opening your remarks with some comments about the persons strengths can help to defuse a defensive …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/management/10-point-for-effective-feedback/

How To Use Mind Mapping To Unlock Your Brain Potential And Creativity

How To Use Mind Mapping To Unlock Your Brain Potential And Creativity

“Mind maps are the meta language of the human race.” What is a mind mapping?  Mind mapping are diagrams used to visually organize information. Normally a mind map is created around a single concept drawn as an image in the centre of a blank page, then associated representations of ideas are added around it. Major …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/use-mind-mapping-unlock-brain-potential-creativity/

The Pomodoro Technique To Boost Your Study And Work.

The Pomodoro Technique To Boost Your Study And Work.

Pomodoro technique: Once you have your daily study tasks planned out, you need to work with a system that will enable you to get your work done efficiently and effectively. The human mind cannot efficiently focus on any single task for too long. What the solution?

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/pomodoro-technique-boost-study-work/

Best Ways To Work Smarter, Not Harder

best ways to work smarter not harder

How to work or study smarter than harder? We have all seen some classmates who breeze through their lessons, are hardly seen studying, have free time, enjoy curricular and social activities…and yet good marks. How do they do it? I will attempt to reveal the efficient method used them in this book.

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/best-ways-work-smarter-not-harder/

Reasons For Procrastination And How To Overcome It

Must Read Quotes To Motivate Yourself Everyday – Motivation Guaranteed

It is said that the secret of getting ahead is simply getting started. Indeed we all know that there is one great spoiler that rears its head from time to time. Its called procrastination. Procrastination is the avoidance of completing an important task. Reason for procrastination: Taking longer breaks than the time taken for tasks. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/reasons-procrastination-overcome/

Easy way to Remember Everything You Learned At School

easy way to remember for kids - the value of teaching others

The brain has a network of fibre pathways that contains around 100 billion neurons. When we learn anything new, new fibres, called dendrites, grow from the existing neurons. As individual dendrites grow, connections are created between them. These are called synapses. These synapses and stronger and thicker as you learning of something improves. The more …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/management/easy-way-to-remember-everything-you-learned-at-school/

Best Travel Quotes For Travel Motivation

best travel quotes for motivation

If you are open and keen, travel will make you an amazingly more well-rounded human being. When you travel to other countries and see the marvellous beauty of sunrise and sunsets overseas, splendid waterfalls dribbling off vertical drops, eagles riding mountain currents, etc. one will understand that the world is filled of more beauty and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/quotes/best-travel-quotes-travel-motivation/