A short story on  A Great Life Cannot Be Built On Excuses. There was small village in utter Pradesh, in India, with about 30 to 35 families. The village was surrounded by small hills covered with thick bushes and trees. It was a remote place that lacked even the basic amenities for villagers like medical help …

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Must Read Quotes To Inspire and Motivate You To Achieve your Goal

Must Read Quotes To Inspire and Motivate You To Achieve your Goal

Some of the best and wisest inspiring quotes that will help you to motivate and succeed in your Goal . Quotes: Just as the true flavor of a tea bag comes through only when it is dipped in hot water, the true character of a leader shines through in adversity, under pressure. The hot water …

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Golden Lines For Successful Life

Edison’s formula for success – Do your own thing. chase your dreams. don’t just go by what other people tell you. that may be safe but its unlikely to get you the success you deserve. Excellence comes from inside, not outside. its an attitude. one which we would all do well to inculcate in ourselves. …

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Quotes For Athletes From Great Athletes

Quotes from great athletes

Courage is taking those first steps to your dream even if you can’t see the path ahead. Don’t give up just because of what someone said. Use that as motivation to push harder. To be a great champion you must believe you are the best. If you are not, pretend you are. Greatness is not …

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Best Motivational Books For Personal Development

best motivational books

There are some powerful books that inspired thousands of people worldwide to become the best they can be. Following books inspires us to see thing from different perspective.

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Find The Secret Of Success In Your Daily Routine

Find The Secret Of Success In Your Daily Routine

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine .” – John C. Maxwell Who doesn’t desire success?

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Confidence Quotes

Confident people are not afraid to be wrong. “People with confidence do not see mistakes as “black marks” on themselves”

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