“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”
The power of vision is awesome. People with a clear vision of what they want to achieve in life get the power to accomplish it.
Most of the people want to know what the future hold for them. Many even visit astrologers and fortune-tellers to know what the future beholds. They are looking for the harvest without doing any sowing.
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How will be your life if you don’t have vision?
People without vision are basically passive, fearful and skeptical. They have a poor self-image and low self-esteem. They usually surrender to others to paint their future and accept it as their fate. They lack a clear purpose in life and live by the rules of others. They accept whatever happens to them as their destiny. They live like human plants, where their growth in life is routine. They grow only in age and drift helplessly with the social stream without a clear direction.

They get a degree, seek a job, get married, have children, get their children married, and retire from living. They live a life of any purpose and no wonder that at the end of it, they are dissatisfied and unfulfilled. They are often bored with themselves. Their living is merely existing through routine motions and rituals without any joy or sense of accomplishment. A life without vision, at its best, is a life of mediocrity. Such people often feel cheated in life and say life has not been fair to them. Their bag of regrets fills up as they age.
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How to have vision?
Remember you are as big as you think. Visualise what you want to be and what you want to achieve in one, two, five, or ten years from now. Back your action with focus and passion to make your vision a reality. Successful people are men of action.
They push themselves beyond limits to realise their vision. Determine your vision for life – a compelling vision for which you will sacrifice anything – and witness the ‘turbo charge’ it injects into your endeavours to guide you to wards your success. Success is yours, go for it.
Have big dreams and a great vision. Get into the action mode to achieve them. “Anything the mind can conceive and the heart can believe, you can achieve.
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Some greatest vision that should inspire us:
- Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of free and independent india.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s vision of a country where people of different racial and ethnic back rounds could co-exist peacefully.
- Walt Disney’s vision of a world-class amusement park.
- Sir Edmund Hillary’s vision to be the first to scale the world’s highest peak mount Everest.
- Mothers terasa’s vision of care and happiness for the poor and helpless.
- They all cherished and pursued their compelling purpose in life with domitable passion, and in the process, created history.