Suresh Babu R

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  1. Smile is a greeting — 57 comments
  2. Genuine Way to Success — 49 comments
  3. Quotes by Mahatma Gandhi — 26 comments
  4. Solar Power Bonsai Tree — 18 comments
  5. Amazing how our brain works — 14 comments

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The Signs To Know That You’re Self-Sabotaging Your Own Progress

Self-sabotaging behavior is defined as deliberate activity (or inaction) that impedes someone’s growth and keeps them from reaching their objectives. The act of sabotaging one’s own efforts is referred to as self-sabotage. That may come as a surprise, yet some people work against their own long-term objectives and noble intentions. When people engage in such …

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Learn How to Energize Your Thoughts with the Power of Feelings

You’ve probably heard of the law of attraction and creative visualization, and you may have even given them a try, successfully or unsuccessfully. These techniques make advantage of your imagination’s capacity to bring about your desired outcomes. In this way, you can affect your environment, behavior, and way of life. Both creative visualization and the …

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Do these Steps to Take Back Your Power from an Energy Vampire

Vampires ought to be nothing more than a thrilling, frightful, and entertaining fiction of one’s imagination. Some individuals, however, are energy vampires because they rob others of their valuable strength. They are poisonous and frequently prey on sensitive people, robbing them of their strength and joy. So, you have to take immediate action to take …

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Precise Personal Commitments To Combat Low Self-Esteem

Everyone’s success depends on their level of self-worth(self-esteem). High self-esteem individuals are assured and unafraid to think big. They take on difficult tasks and have confidence in themselves. Some people never have self-esteem issues. People consider having confidence to be perfectly normal and normal. But a lot of people also find it difficult to boost …

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Here Is How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality? Your intellect is quite strong. But if you’re like most people, you probably don’t spend much time considering your thought processes. Who thinks about thinking, after all? But, what you believe about yourself becomes your reality. Your potential will be limited if you make unreliable assumptions about who you …

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7 Useful Techniques: How to Improve Your Mental Fitness

Information today is a constant barrage on us. We frequently overlook quieter activities that have a substantial impact on our mental health (mental fitness) and brain function because television, social media, radio, and even the internet create so much noise. Fortunately, one of the body’s most adaptable and receptive organs is the brain. It will …

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Important Ways for Surviving Rock Bottom at Age 40

Life can be stressful and challenging when you’ve reached your lowest point. Everyone can experience it at any age, but people at the age OF 40 and above may find it particularly difficult because they may feel like they have few prospects for a new beginning. It’s crucial to keep in mind that reaching your …

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