The Virtue Of Giving – A little Grain Of Gold

One day a beggar was begging for alms from door to door. At that time he saw a golden chariot coming towards him.

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25 Great Thoughts By Chanakya

Chanakya was a professor at the primal university of Takshashila. He lived in about 320 BC and enhanced broadly recognized as a philosopher, economist and royal adviser in the primal Indian culture. 

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How to Overcome Your Self-doubt and Make Profitable Business

It is said, ‘you don’t realize how much your hair weighs until you shave it off. And you don’t realize how much your weigh until you release them.’ Infact, self-doubt is a mischief monger we all want to keep away from, but end up crossing paths, all the time. It is mind play of weakening …

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Best Quotes To Start Your Day With Positive Inspiration

Positive inspiration – The mode you begin your morning can affect your entire day. Every individual need motivation to keep moving forward. As many of them facing hard times, difficulties and challenges in their job and life. These problems may break your attitude and bring you low and makes you feel uninspired. But if you …

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Staying Successful After Achieving A Great Success

Staying Successful After Achieving A Great Success

“Achieving success is hard; staying successful even harder” When you achieve something you have wanted to, you feel good within. It is not necessary that anything changes in your life, but that lingering victories feeling makes all the difference in the way you see yourself or your life.

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Best Quotes To Achieve Success In Your Business And Life

Best Quotes To Achieve Success In Your Business And Life

Life is a wonderful gift we have and will always have receive. And so, each moment of it has to be lived in the best possible way. Life is in details, not in the rush. Run your own race, but also live life every day. Life is about cherishing every moment; don’t let it just …

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Top 15 Mukesh Ambani Quotes That Will Stimulate The Entrepreneur In You

Mukesh Ambani is a big business magnet and richest man in India. His reliance industries ltd. Is a most popular company in India. Mukesh Ambani quotes have motivated people all around the world. His quotes feed precious intuitions in business management.

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