It is usual that sometime you may feel dull in the morning and at that time it is very important to make your own sunshine energy.
Your thoughts will directly influences how you feel and how you behave. Think about it.
It is proved by Harvard that you can upsurge your strength just by thinking about it. If you want to change the other areas of your life you can change for the better just by thinking about what you desire? Utilize positive visualizations about your goals and this has truly strong and positive results both from a motivational viewpoint and likewise from a Law of Attraction outlook.

- *The result of your thoughts is always borne by you, i.e. you get only what you have earned nothing less or nothing more. Whatever be your present environment, your downfall, uplift or maintaining similar status are in accordance with your thoughts, vision or idles, and of course your actions.
- An ordinary man finds problems in every opportunity but an optimist searches for an opportunity and achieves success
- Elevated and impeccable character doesn’t come as a boon or by luck but is a result of the incessant flow of good thoughts and calm behavior.
- Those growing with virtues remain unshaken in rain or shine and unperturbed by time and tide. They are always pleasant and peaceful.
- When you have to solve two problems, take up the bigger one first so that you feel the smaller second one (to be taken up later) as smaller enough which makes it easy to solve.
- Expecting bad for others is sadism. Suspicion and jealousy arrest one as a prisoner in the self-made jail. Wishing well for others, moving pleasantly enquiring about others welfare, learning with patience and selfless thoughts are the gateways for heaven i.e. pleasant living.
- Just as a gardener plucks out weeds and develops good flowers and fruits, a person should also pluck out useless and impure thoughts and nurture correct, useful, positive and pure thoughts until they blossom in the mind.
- If one gives up wicked thoughts, the world around turns favorable and extends a helping hand. Opportunities spring up from all sides to help him if one sticks to constructive decisions shedding all weaknesses.
- Thoughtless, foolish and idle people do not grasp reality but form an opinion with outward observation and speak of chance, luck, etc. they are oblivious of the efforts behind one’s growing rich but comment that it is all because of luck or fortune which is invisible.
- Strong-willed and tranquil-minded people always get love and respect. They are like a banyan tree providing shelter to the passers-by and like a safe structure sheltering cyclone-victims. Who can abstain from loving a pure heart and once leading a balanced life?
- While planning for the future, negative thoughts might obstruct. In such a situation hold fast your right fist “no, nothing doing! My avowed object is to achieve success”, should be your firm resolve, repeated thrice in your mind.
- On achieving the target you will be happy, no doubt, but don’t become complacent. Double your target and proceed ahead with renewed vigor. You have the innate potency.
- One who wins over hesitation and fear can be considered as having won over failures in life. His every thought is potential and all his difficulties are accepted as challenges and crossed over with prudence. All his efforts bear fruit instead of dropping off as flowers prematurely.
- You should always keep in mind that your rivals are observing you at every stage. Be ready with your own strategies to face them. Keep an eye on their other activities, just as they are doing, for your own safety.
- Elevated and impeccable character doesn’t come as a boon or by luck but is a result of the incessant flow of thoughts and calm behavior.
- If one gives up wicked thoughts, the world around turns favorable and extends helping hand opportunities spring up from all sides to help him if one sticks to constructive decisions shedding all weakness.