The Value of Friendship

Author Richard Exley said about Friendship that, “A true friend is one who hears and understands when you share your deepest feelings. He supports you when you share your deepest feelings. He supports you when you are struggling; he corrects you, gently and with love, when you err; and he forgives you when you fail. A …

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Self Confidence Is the Important Key to Success

Self confidence and hard work quote

Blaming others for anything and everything has become a chronic disease with us. Why should we expect someone to come and help us? To depend on others is slavery. No good comes of blaming fate, karma or circumstances. Only man of confidence can convert challenge in to an opportunity. Confidence is not a gift of …

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Opportunity Is Always Under Our Feet

Opportunity Is Always Under Our Feet

‘A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Winston Churchill There was a farmer lived in Africa . He was very glad and satisfied in his life . He was glad because he was satisfied with what he has. He was satisfied because he was glad.

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Appraise Your Present Attitudes

Appraise Your Present Attitudes

This will take some time. If possible, try to separate yourself from your attitudes. The goal of this exercise is not to see the “bad you” but a “bad attitude” that keeps you from being a more fulfilled person. The evaluation helps you make key changes only when you identify the problem. When he sees …

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Self-Confidence verses Ego

self confidence verses ego

There is a very thin line dividing self-confidence and ego. Utmost of the time we get chaotic and fail to decide whether we are on the right track or our ego presiding in the appearance of confidence. When ego presides, every success turns into failure. Everyone has to be very careful about it. How to …

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How Do Patience Gives Beneficial Things

Every one of us would agree that patience is a good quality; we admire it and desire it. Those of us who need it most are least persuaded to foster it, however .We need patience to develop patience. Arnold Glasgow stated, “The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, …

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Right Attitude Towards Your Work

right attitude quote

 Elbert Hubbard says, “Do your work with your whole heart and you will succeed – there is so little competition.” Work is expression; it is mind in action. Work brings man to life, sets him in motion. Nothing happens until people go to work. It’s only work creates the world we live in. The right …

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