“Success comes to those who dare and act. It seldom goes to the timid.” These are wonderful and inspiring times. There are opportunities all around. Never before have been witnessed the kinds of opportunities that exist today. Knowledge is multiplying at a lightening pace, creating new vistas of opportunities for us. Knowledge grows with competition. …
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/success/success-is-a-choice-not-an-accident/
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/why-it-is-important-to-have-positive-attitude-and-thoughts/
Nov 01
True Passion Makes You Get What You Want
“Act as though it were impossible to fail. “ Success is yours, and if you desire it with a passion, you can get what you truly seek. The most important thing is the ruthless of your desire. When the desire is heartfelt, intense and is backed by an urge, you are passionate to fulfil it. When …
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/uncategorized/true-passion-makes-you-get-what-you-want/
Oct 31
Smart Tips To Successfully Overcome Your Stress
Stress – You have no control over what happens to you, but how you respond to the situation is completely in your control. The principle of Pareto holds good. We might not have power over 20% of what happens, but the further 80% is the effect of our reactions. When someone utters something negative or …
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/smart-tips-to-successfully-overcome-your-stress/
Oct 25
Things To Do Instantly To Develop Your Self-Esteem
Our self-esteem grows as we feed ourselves. If you feed negatives, self-esteem will be dwarfed. If you feed positive traits like belief, focusing on our strengths, accepting challenges, optimism, self-respect and respect to others, strongest, love humanity, being enthusiastic etc. Our self-esteem develops and feathers us with feelings of competency, improved security and confidence. Keep …
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/things-to-do-instantly-to-develop-your-self-esteem/
Oct 21
Things To Do To Attract What You Want In Life
To master the law of attraction, you have to change your beliefs. You need to make the shift from focusing on non-existence to focusing on abundance in life. Changing your beliefs may take some time and energy particularly if your beliefs are deeply held, but it can be absolutely done. Once you start changing your …
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/things-to-do-to-attract-what-you-want-in-life/
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/inspiring-stories-2/how-to-manage-a-stressful-situation-and-make-it-a-positive-day/