Category: Motivation

Important Remedies To Get Rid Of Fear

Easy way to come out from fear

A strong body is a great help in overcoming fear complexes. So first and foremost, strengthen your body through regular and methodical exercise. Remember the idiom: “A sound mind in a sound body.”

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Swami Vivekananda Describes The Practical Method To Overcome Unwanted Thoughts

Swami Vivekananda Describes The Practical Method To Overcome Unwanted Thoughts

“The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading.” – David Baile Let us look at the process described by swami Vivekananda to overcome unwanted thoughts.

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How do we develop faith in ourselves?

how to develop faith in ourselves

Swami Vivekananda advices us to first develop faith in ourselves and later in God. But in practical life how can we develop faith in ourselves? It can come not by just reading books, but by putting in to practicing what is being read.

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Plan Better And Achieve More

Plan better to achieve your goal

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” ‘Plan better and achieve more’ is the cry that we hear these days from all professors of management and administration, theories which have now assumed the status of a science?

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Importance Of Thoughts For Louder Actions

thoughts and action

Are thoughts vital for actions? Of course, Actions are the louder expressions of thought . The quality of thought is ordered by the nature of our inner ‘belief’ and ‘faith’. Where faith is shaky,

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24 Things We Must Do for Self Improvement

we must do for Self improvement

What we frequently encourage and steadily nurture in our mind, determines our character formation and eventually our destiny.

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Timely Treatment: Importance Of Time In Life For Children

Importance of time for children

“Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you.” ― Quote by Carl Sandburg Importance of timely treatment There is cow’s milk. It is possible to get butter out of it. …

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