Category: Motivation

What is the Distinction Between Fate and Destiny?  How can your destiny be fulfilled?

Do you believe in fate or do you make your own destiny? What is the difference between fate and destiny? In talks, the terms fate and destiny are frequently used interchangeably. The phrases “He met his fate” and “It must be her destiny” are frequently used, but have you ever wondered what the true distinctions …

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Developing Self-Confidence: Learn the 7 Steps to Boosting It

A healthy connection with oneself depends on having self-confidence. We all understand, however, that there are a variety of things that might lower our self-confidence, including negative experiences, failures, and “labels” that have been attached to us for a while. In reality, self-confidence is a trait that you either possess or lack; rather, it is …

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How Your Beliefs Influence Your Destiny: A Positive Mindset Vs. A Fixed Mindset

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right” —Henry Ford How Your Beliefs Influence Your Destiny? Is it true that A Positive Mindset or A Fixed Mindset playing a important role in your life? Try the things you believe you are incapable of. Challenge ideas with deeds. If someone has told you …

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9 Valuable Lessons from The Matrix

The 1999 movie The Matrix is filled of inspirational messages that can change your life. I really urge you to watch it if you haven’t already! In the movie Thomas Anderson, in which Keanu Reeves plays the role of Thomas Anderson, a computer programmer going by the hacker identity Neo is forced to engage in …

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The Top 5 Lessons She Discovered After Reading 500 Self-Help Books

There is no shortage of self-help reading material available these days if you’re looking for inspiration. Excellent internet content, reading lists, and book recommendations… Most of us have trouble finding the time to check out new, interesting things, let alone reading what we want to. You might lengthen your reading sessions, read more quickly by …

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How to Be Your Best Self: 20 Things You Can Do Everyday

We all desire to live long and fulfilling lives. By constructing your perfect route piece by piece, you can achieve global harmony. Every relocation is a brand-new day that requires careful planning. Small bricks are used to construct a sizable, appealing structure. Let’s explore how you might improve yourself and live this life to the …

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How to Get Rid of Your Fear of Starting New Things

Have you ever made a resolution for the new year? Despite the fact that they are a part of almost everyone’s holiday traditions, we seem to struggle to follow through on all the new activities we intend to attempt. We have a tendency to be overly hopeful throughout the Christmas season, which is one of …

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