Category: Health

Apple – Natural Medicine

“Nothing can substitute nature” Apple is a marvelous fruit. It is “king” of all fruits. Greek and Roman mythologies stated that, apples are symbols of love and beauty with an eclectic, perspective, perhaps. I am very sure any person is healthy and hearty looks beautiful emit radiance and glow in happiness after all health is wealth. …

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Renew Yourself

Anandmurthi Guruma said in a satsang that “Mind is good servant, but bad master”,. Our thoughts are emanates from our mind, so mind is our master. The great Rishis yore had examined and concluded that change for the better can be brought only by a change of the mood of the mind . If that …

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5 Ways to Strengthen Your Mind

Power of mind - 5 way to strengthen your mind

You can use your mind power and visualization power to achieve success and happiness. A promotion, happy marriage, Healthy children. Do you think that these dreams are almost impossible to have? Think again. You can achieve all these and more with mind power. Your mind holds the secret of satisfaction, bliss, happiness and success.

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mind relaxation

Every generation speaks about undefined times. Born in perplexity, living in perplexity, we pass on in perplexity. By living in perplexity we bend perplexity to our will so that we can reach goals with a sense of fulfillment. We live successfully by rising above our tensions. We can do this effectively if we practice the …

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