Deepak Chopra is a well-known and richest person in the holistic health movement. He is an Indian-American author, doctor, philosopher and public speaker. Time magazine titled Deepak Chopra as the “poet-prophet of alternative medicine” In June 1999. He published more than 80 books. Here are the best Deepak Chopra Quotes to Stimulate Your Inner Knowledge.
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Jun 29
Create Your Environment To Make You Successful – Part 1
Remember, environment plays a big role in our life. Environment is what shapes us, makes us think the way we do. Just try to name just one habit or one mannerism you have which you did not pick up from other people. Like, the way of talk, holding a cup, cough, our preferences to music, …
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Jun 21
Top Nelson Mandela Quotes That Inspire You To Trust In Your Own Ability
Nelson Mandela is the description of going after what you trust in, not at all matter how difficult it may be to do so. In all the country, Mandela’s heritage sparkles as an inspiration of hope and soothing, and as a strong reminder of the power of the human spirit to overwhelmed impossible hazards.
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Jun 21
Upgrade Your Thinking : Think Like Successful People Think
Progression of your thinking improves your movements and this creates success. Here is a cool way to help you make farther of yourself by thinking like bossy persons think. Now let’s go deeper in to that.
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Jun 12
Mind Your Mind – Your Thoughts Becomes Your Destiny
You would have tried the ‘Balsam plant’ experiment in your secondary class. Let’s recap it once again! Take three glasses of water and keep one balsam plant in each glass. Lay a few drops of different food colours into every glass of water – like red, blue and purple. Let the plants in the coloured …
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Jun 12
Three Best And Easy Ways To Cure Intellect Excuses
Knowledge is power – but only when you use it productively. Systematically linked to intelligence excuses is specific improper thinking about knowledge. We repeatedly heard that knowledge is power. However, this report is just a 50 % truth. Knowledge is just a potential supremacy. Knowledge is supremacy only when you use it in the right …
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