Would you think to be clever? If so, then you ought to learn how to be a smart worker, instead of calling yourself a hard worker. You’ve got to do a few things that make others call you a loser. Are you really a hard-working person? Yeah! But really do you know that you could …
Category: Personalities
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/personalities/the-things-that-mentally-smart-people-never-do/
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/inspiring-stories-2/successful-women-entrepreneurs-in-india-to-get-inspired/
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/inspiring-stories-2/how-to-break-your-mental-barriers/
Jul 11
How To Conquer Yourself To Achieve Your Goals
If you conquer yourself, thenceforth you can conquer everything in this world. You can conquer everybody. You can conquer anybody. You become unbeatable. But before that you have to conquer your egos; you have to conquer your dislikes; you have to conquer your annoying requirements; you have to conquer your envy; you have to conquer …
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/how-to-conquer-yourself-to-achieve-your-goals/
Jun 29
Create Your Environment To Make You Successful – Part 1
Remember, environment plays a big role in our life. Environment is what shapes us, makes us think the way we do. Just try to name just one habit or one mannerism you have which you did not pick up from other people. Like, the way of talk, holding a cup, cough, our preferences to music, …
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/create-your-environment-to-make-you-successful-part-1/
Sep 02
Attitude Rules Your Life – Importance Of Attitude For Success
Enthusiasm is thinking rich in action so get that attitude in hand! Thank it! Feel it! Live it! Certainly good attitudes can be a stimulant to accomplishment. They can be the incentive to act and live like a millionaire and because of this the answer to getting that million lies in the depth of your …
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/attitude-rules-life-importance-attitude-success/
Jul 28
12 Unproductive Habits That Successful People Avoid
Do you feel that every person around you is getting work done, and you are not? It is probable you have got one or more unproductive habits that aren’t helping stuffs. First you make your habits, and then your habits make you. Eliminate all unproductive habits in you.
Permanent link to this article: https://name-fame.com/motivation/12-unproductive-habits-that-successful-people-avoid/