What Behaviors Indicate a Jealous Family Member. How To Handle Them?

You can become emotionally drained and self-conscious among jealous family members. There are jealous relatives, and they can be a problem for the entire family. Families and all of our interactions with them are meant to be blessings, but if you have a jealous family member, you could feel like you’re living in a world of pain.

A common proverb states that “blood is thicker than water.” Blood is more envious, in my opinion. Knowing that your aunts, relatives, or even siblings might harm you out of jealousy makes me sad. Additionally, the hurt is worse when it comes from a family member. They can also add a lot of needless stress to your life. They have the power to deplete your energy and leave you feeling self-conscious.

What Indicators Do Jealous Family Members Show?

Even though you would believe it’s simple to recognize jealousy in others, some people can be quite subtle with their words or actions. The following are examples of behaviors that indicate a jealous relative: “Criticism, either direct or behind one’s back; passive-aggressive behavior such as “forgetting” to follow through on a commitment or purposefully undermining a plan; slander; or outright lies.” Here are a few additional indicators of envious family members.

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Never are they impressed

Do you ever believe that your sister or cousin will never be impressed by your achievements? Jealous relatives often minimize your successes by stating that many individuals are capable of doing that. They’ll state things such as “If someone works hard enough, they can obtain a promotion. It’s not really a huge deal. This unmistakably reveals their own vulnerabilities.

When you offer them advice, they become irate.

Currently, most individuals dislike receiving unsolicited advise, but as I just stated, jealousy is motivated by insecurity. Envy-fueled individuals get instantly defensive and dislike having their “flaws” called out. They don’t perceive it that way, despite the fact that your advise is well-intentioned. Instead, they believe you are attempting to prove your superiority to them.

You Regret Yourself When You See Them

You should feel happy and loved when you see your relatives. There may be a problem if you consistently feel less confident about yourself after leaving a family meeting. Your family should be pleased of your accomplishments and supportive of your objectives.

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They Are Extremely Critical

The aunt or cousins may be envious if they are continuously criticizing you or speaking unfavorable things about you. People who are self-conscious attempt to make others feel worse in order to feel better about themselves. They are quick to criticize practically anything. Try to avoid letting them affect you.

To “one up” you, they try.

There appears to be one individual in every household who is constantly striving to do their best. If you tell them about your significant promotion, they’ve already received one six months into their new position. Avoid getting sucked into their drive to compete and keep your attention on you.

How to Handle Toxic Family Members

Don’t Talk Out Loud

While you cannot escape your family history, you can readily deal with any envious relatives you may have. Keep them out of your personal affairs is the most crucial measure. They don’t need to be aware of your plans to buy a new house, wait for a promotion, or even start dating someone new. Only discuss these matters with those who will be supportive of you.

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You don’t want the conversation around their dinner table to be dominated by your objectives or the news of the day. They’ll just eat it up and complain about your life. Do not encourage their rumors and badmouthing.

Don’t Feel Guilty

Do not feel bad about keeping your life story to yourself or that you are pushing them away. You simply have to love those who live far away sometimes. When all you’re doing is attempting to do is defend yourself, it’s simple to feel like the evil guy.

Reduce Interaction

You can still go to family gatherings when they invite you. Just be careful about what information you disclose with them. Nothing wrong with taking pleasure in their presence.

However, you will typically discover that some relatives who feel jealous won’t typically invite you for their parties. Do not give up and do not try to impose your will on them either. It’s usually advisable to keep your face-to-face interactions with them to a minimum. Why spend time with a person who doesn’t add value to your life?

And keep in mind that it’s acceptable to establish boundaries with some folks. From afar, you can still adore them.

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Prevent Conflict

Many times, calling a family gathering to address the envy issue just prolongs the drama, despite what some people think.Sometimes a healthy relative only needs to express their feelings of insecurity or being overshadowed in order to receive sympathy. But not every person who feels envious is able and willing to be open and vulnerable.

The most essential thing is not to let the antics of envious family members turn you into a bitter person. Become the peace you want for your family, even though that may sound strange. Praise them and concentrate on becoming a good influence within the family.

You can recognize the positive events in your life by attributing them to perseverance and/or good fortune. Try to avoid coming off as judging, as their envy is probably motivated by a sense of inadequacy on their part.

First, look for yourself.

It’s simple to focus on envy and the unpleasant emotions that surround it. To maintain a healthy emotional state, self-care is crucial. If you notice yourself beginning to feel angry or depressed, try journaling or meditation. Be patient with yourself and practice kindness. It’s acceptable to be annoyed by their behavior, but try not to let it control you.

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Reasons for Sibling Rivalry

Particularly if you’re the same gender or roughly the same age, sibling rivalry is very prevalent. One of the few persons you have known your entire life, you have experienced each significant event together. However, if it is not addressed, sibling rivalry from infancy can quickly develop into jealousy as an adult. Here are a few explanations for why this occurs.

Family Influence

Parents generally have high expectations for their kids, so it can be challenging when one child doesn’t live up to them while the other does. According to Bledsoe, “Families may encourage unhealthy competitiveness between youngsters. A parent might give their full attention to a child who excels in school, sports, music, etc. than another. In maturity, these jealousy-related issues may persist and become problematic.

Reaching Milestones at Diverse Moments

As you and your sibling grow older, you’ll begin to achieve various goals and lead distinct lifestyles. This could lead to some rivalry over who marries first, has children first, buys a house first, etc. If you disapprove of your sister’s significant other or believe that person poses a threat to your relationship with your sibling, marriage may be extremely challenging.

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