Here Is How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

How Your Thoughts Create Your Reality? Your intellect is quite strong. But if you’re like most people, you probably don’t spend much time considering your thought processes. Who thinks about thinking, after all?

But, what you believe about yourself becomes your reality. Your potential will be limited if you make unreliable assumptions about who you are and what you are capable of.

Marcus Aurelius, a Stoic and Roman emperor, once said: “A man’s life is what his ideas make of it.” The essential elements of our reality are what we believe, what we see, and what we feel.

According to quantum physics, reality originates from our thoughts. Every sight and sensation we have are the results of mental energy. The collective consciousness, an energy field that connects us all, responds to our ideas and emotions by shaping reality. A novel concept is more likely to manifest in three people’s subjective realities if they have it at the same moment. We have subjective experience in an objective universe because each person’s mind creates its own dimension in which they can feel various types of matter and energy.

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You may be saying to yourself right now, “Wait a second!” Why should I bother adjusting my thinking if the collective consciousness is responding to my thoughts and emotions? You probably do it because you desire what’s best for everyoneboth you and other people. Positive emotions, not negative ones, are the source of true happiness. Also, there is always a way to turn a bad circumstance into a good one.

The Relationship Between Actions, Emotions, and Thinking

Your ideas might start self-reinforcing patterns. Your thoughts have a direct impact on how you feel and act. Hence, if you believe that you are a failure, that is how you will feel. You’ll then behave in a way that confirms your assumption that you must be a failure.

Your convictions are strengthened

When you come to a conclusion about oneself, you are prone to hunt for facts to support that conclusion and to ignore anything that contradicts it.

For instance, a person who starts to feel inadequate would see every error as evidence of his shortcomings. When he does succeed, he will put it down to chance.

Take a moment to consider that your limitations could not be due to a lack of aptitude or expertise. Alternatively, it may be your beliefs that prevent you from giving your best effort.

A more upbeat mindset can produce greater results. Positive thinking does not necessarily have magical abilities. But, having positive ideas encourages action, which raises your chances of success.

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Questions for Your Conclusions

Consider the labels you’ve given yourself. You might have declared yourself incapable. Or maybe you’ve realized that you’re a lousy leader.

You don’t have to let those beliefs limit your potential, so remind yourself of that. Nothing is true just because you think it is.

The good news is that you can alter your way of thinking. You have the power to change your perspective and your life. Two methods to question your views are as follows:

• Search for oppositional evidence. Note any instances when your beliefs weren’t supported. Recognizing exceptions to the rule will serve as a helpful reminder that your belief isn’t always accurate.

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• Examine your assumptions. Do behavioral studies to determine how accurate your beliefs are. Do something to make you feel deserving if you believe you’re not good enough. Force yourself to do something that makes you slightly uncomfortable if you’ve decided that you’re too wimpy to venture outside of your comfort zone.

You can teach your brain to think in a new way with practice. You’ll be more able to realize your own potential if you let go of those self-limiting beliefs.