17 Common Behaviors of Highly Intelligent Individuals

A variety of traits and behaviors that distinguish intelligent people from others are frequently exhibited by them. It’s important to realize that intellect is a complex quality while examining these traits. Here are 19 crucial actions and traits that are often seen in extremely clever individuals.

Typical Behaviors of Very Smart People

Having flexibility

Rather than being a trait, curiosity is what motivates people. Their unwavering quest for information frequently prompts them to investigate areas that others might pass by. Novel discoveries and ground-breaking inventions are often the result of insatiable curiosity.

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Control over oneself

Another trait that highly clever people have is self-control. Often, they are disciplined enough to abstain from certain activities and use their knowledge to make decisions that will benefit their general well-being. Mature behavior is demonstrated by the capacity for self-control. It entails being able to appropriately control your emotions and impulses in order to avoid hurting others.

A sense of comedy

People with high intelligence frequently have sophisticated senses of humor. They can laugh at things in life, even at their own experiences, and they frequently like deeper kinds of humor. The World Economic Forum website has an article discussing how “intelligent people are also funny.” According to studies done in Austria, folks who find humor funny—especially dark humor—have higher IQs than average people.

Developing one’s creative side

For those with intelligence, creativity is typically blending ideas to produce something fresh and perceptive. Their inventiveness and originality go beyond just artistic expression; it also entails original thought and connection-making. “Having higher than average intelligence might contribute to creativity,” according to Verywell Mind.

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Being open-minded is another quality shared by bright individuals. They are not influenced by biases or stereotypes that could impair judgment; instead, they are open to ideas and ready to learn from others. Rather, they assess data and viewpoints according to their merits. They have a propensity to challenge the status quo with courage and question widely accepted beliefs and conventions, which helps them generate well-informed opinions.

Having a natural curiosity for the world

People’s education never ends with their time in formal education. They consider life as a journey and are always looking to expand their horizons and experience. It’s a common misconception that those with intelligence prefer to read. However, the quantity of books read in a day is not the only factor in determining intelligence. It’s more important to be curious about topics, no matter how they present themselves.

Accepting risks

Willingness to take measured risks is a crucial characteristic of intelligence. Certain brain structures, especially those related to cognitive function, are linked to this propensity for taking risks. Numerous research projects have also investigated the science underlying prudent risk-taking.

Method of Acquiring Information

Those with intelligence are aware of their limitations. In some circumstances, they don’t mind admitting they’re ignorant. A humble and inquisitive approach toward acquiring more knowledge is another trait they always exhibit.

Holding meaningful interactions

The statement, “Knowledge lies in having the answer; intelligence lies in asking the right question,” strikes a chord with me. Talking with intelligence involves deliberate engagement. Andi Simon, an anthropologist and the author of “Rethink; Smashing the Myths of Women in Business,” asserts that astute individuals ask questions to better understand their own ideas, behaviors, feelings, and aspirations for the future rather than just for the sake of doing so.

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Method of Knowledge Acquisition

People that are intelligent are aware of their limitations. In some circumstances, they have no problem owning up to their ignorance. They also continuously exhibit a humble and inquisitive mindset toward acquiring new knowledge.

Skills and aptitude for addressing problems

Those with intelligence are excellent at resolving the challenges presented by difficult and complex circumstances. They apply their abilities to problem-solve and analyze. The notion that higher intellect correlates with improved information processing is called into doubt by a new study published on Big Think. The study casts doubt on the notion that our brains’ processes alone determine intelligence. Instead, it implies that, particularly in situations where accuracy is required, speed is not always a sign of superiority.

Thinking critically is a practice.

People who are intelligent usually have a mindset when they approach issues. They ensure they have an informed perspective by carefully evaluating information before embracing it. They are adept critical thinkers who can evaluate arguments and impartially examine a wide range of data in order to assist in reaching well-informed conclusions.

Intelligence emotional

Emotional intelligence influences personalities in addition to aptitudes. Highly intellectual people are excellent at controlling their emotions and having empathy for other people. They are excellent at controlling their emotions and staying motivated while pursuing their goals, in addition to all the other traits they possess, such as self-awareness, empathy, expressiveness, and perceptiveness. They also demonstrate abilities and use their emotional intelligence to communicate successfully.

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Self-reflection and awareness

Self-awareness is a common trait among intelligent people. They have a propensity for self-reflection and acknowledge both their talents and flaws. One quality that enables people to better their attitudes and bring them into line with their ideals is self-awareness. They show intellect in its purest form as a result of gaining an awareness of who they are and how others see them.

You have insight.

Highly brilliant people typically have quite the contrary tendency from the stereotype that the smartest person in a given context is also the most talkative. They usually take a more circumspect and perceptive stance rather than bragging about their accomplishments or forcing their views on others as gospel. Through observing their environment and interacting with people, they are able to discover patterns and subtleties that others would miss.


Emotionally intelligent people are known for their ability to persevere in the face of difficulty; this talent makes it easier for them to overcome obstacles and setbacks than it is for the average person.

Paying close attention to detail

It is common to associate intelligence with having a good memory and an acute sense of detail. They can remember a great deal of information and pick up on the smallest details that others might overlook. Your high intelligence may be indicated if you have the ability to remember statistics, facts, and complex details.

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Being sympathetic and caring

According to this essay by certified psychotherapist Christine Scott Hudson, this is closely related to possessing a certain level of intelligence. Empathy and proficient verbal understanding are correlated, in her opinion. When a person is sympathetic, they probably also have excellent comprehension and understanding skills. It follows that if you make decisions based mostly on your feelings, you probably also use your brain to make those decisions.