Categories: Quotes

Must Read Quotes To Inspire and Motivate You To Achieve your Goal

Some of the best and wisest inspiring quotes that will help you to motivate and succeed in your Goal .


  • Just as the true flavor of a tea bag comes through only when it is dipped in hot water, the true character of a leader shines through in adversity, under pressure. The hot water test is a good one for tea bags and for leaders.

  • phD  is the leader’s mantra for success: Passion , Hunger and Discipline! Get them all and see the difference. Becoming and passionate, hungry and disciplined person can put you on the road to realizing your true greatness.
  • Learning to find happiness is the key. It is entirely in your hands. Run your own race. Celebrate your success and your achievements. Don’t worry about the one that got away.

  • We all beliefs about what we can do- and more importantly, what we cannot do. We grow up believing in our limitations, our weaknesses. Our beliefs about what we cannot do often limit our achievements. If you want to change the outcomes in your life, start by changing our beliefs.
  • When you moan and say this is bad, the mind gets conditioned to look for difficulty in opportunity. And when you say this is good, the mind looks for opportunity in difficulty. And therein lies the difference between winners and losers.
  • Most of our problems appear as they do because of the way we look at them. You get back what you give.

READ ALSO: Find The Secret Of Success In Your Daily Routine

  • Winners and losers, leaders and followers – all of us have two voices jousting inside our heads. One says, ‘I can’. The other says ‘I can’t’. The  difference lies in which of those voices is winning. So, whether ‘I cant wins or ‘I can’ depends on which thought you feeding in your mind. The thought you feed grows!
  • We get so busy staring at the closed door and banging our head against it that we fail to spot the other door opening. Learning to cope with failure is often the first and most critical step towards success.
  • We all have incredible power inside us. We have it in us to take on the world. But we also have our own chains and pegs – our self-limiting beliefs that hold us back. Sometimes it’s a childhood experience or an early failure. Other times it’s something we were told when we were younger. Smash the peg. Break your self-limiting belief.
  • Instead of making the most of what we have and focusing on our strengths like all successful people do, we worry about the missing piece – our shortcomings. Success arrives when you learn to make the most of what you have – and not worry about what you don’t have.