Categories: Quotes

Bloom Your Positive Thoughts by Reading Positive Quotes

Bloom Your Positive Thoughts by Reading Positive Quotes

    • The difference between can and cannot are only three letters. Three letters that determine your life’s direction.
    • “Negative thoughts can wash off good intentions. Positive thinking is the key to success. Read a collection of quotes that boost your morale.”
    • Affirm the positive, visualize the positive and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly.

  • “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”
  • When you are in the valley, keep your goal firmly in view and you will get the renewed energy to continue the climb. – Denis Waitley
  • Being positive or negative are habits of thoughts that have a very strong influence on life.
  • Positive and negative are directions. Which direction do you choose?
  • Positive thinking evokes more energy, more initiative and more happiness.
  • “Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine
  • “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. – Winston Churchill
  • “The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.” – Norman Vincent Peale
  • “Every wall is a door.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Positive feelings come from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality, and physical characteristics, warts and all; and, from belonging to a family that accepts you without question. – Willard Scott
  • Train your mind to think in terms of ‘possible’ and ‘can be done’.

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