Categories: Parenting

If Your Parenting Styles Include Any of These 10, You’re a Toxic Parent!

A person’s relationships and mental health may suffer long-term consequences as a result of toxic parenting. Unfortunately, identifying toxic parental conduct can be challenging. Fortunately, many have contributed their knowledge and perspectives on recognizing toxic parenting. These are some telltale signs of a toxic parent, based on a topic about recognizing toxic parenting.

Parenting – You are a Toxic Parent If You Do Any of These Things

Emotionally Controlling Actions

Emotional manipulation is one way that a toxic parent might manage their child’s conduct. This can involve continuously putting their child down, use scare techniques, or guilt-tripping. An emotionally manipulative parent can give their child the impression that they are never good enough or that they owe them something.

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Continuous Criticism 

A child raised by a toxic parent may experience frequent criticism, which can lead to feelings of worthlessness. A youngster may suffer from low self-esteem as a result of this and believe they are unworthy of affection or respect. A youngster who receives constant criticism from their parent may come to believe that happiness and success are unattainable.

Absence of Limitations

It could be difficult for a toxic parent to respect their child’s personal space or boundaries. A youngster may come to believe that their privacy is continuously being violated or that they are not permitted to form their own thoughts as a result of this. A parent who doesn’t set clear limits can give their kids the impression that they don’t belong and that they have to live up to their parents’ standards all the time.

Not Being Able to Say Sorry.

A toxic parent could not accept responsibility for their behavior or provide an apology for their errors. Their child may find it difficult to feel heard or to trust them as a result. When a parent refuses to apologize, their child may come to believe that their parent doesn’t value their well-being or that their feelings are unimportant.

SEE ALSO: How to Improve Children’s Self-Esteem and End Low Self-Esteem


Gaslighting is a strategy used by toxic parents to get their kids to doubt their own reality. This may entail downplaying historical events, instilling doubt in their child’s recollections, or repeatedly altering the narrative. A parent who engages in gaslighting may give their child the impression that they are insane or that their own sensations and ideas are unreliable.

Verbal or physical abuse

A toxic parent may mistreat their child physically or verbally, leaving them traumatized and damaged for a long time. This can involve yelling, punching, or other physical or psychological abuse. A youngster who experiences abuse may feel that they are always in danger or that they have to be cautious around them in order to appease them.

Micromanaging Conduct

A parent who is toxic may micromanage their child’s life, giving them little freedom to make choices of their own. The child may get the impression from this that they are continuously watched over or that no one trusts them to make their own decisions. A micromanaging parent may give their child the impression that they are incapable of taking proper care of themselves or that they are dependent on them for approval at all times.

SEE ALSO: 10 Indicators of Low Self-Esteem

Taking the Child’s Emotions Into Account

When a toxic parent holds their child accountable for their own feelings, the child may come to believe that they are in charge of their parent’s contentment. A youngster may come to believe that they have to continuously satisfy their parents’ demands or that their own feelings are unworthy as a result. When a parent holds their child responsible for their feelings, the youngster may come to feel like a burden or that there is never enough they can do to please their parent.

Taking Their Child Into Competition

When it comes to athletics, academics, or other activities, a toxic parent could be competing against their child. This may cause a child to believe that they are insufficient or that they must always prove themselves. A competitive parent can harm their child’s connection and self-esteem by giving them the impression that they are always up against their own parent.

They feel as though they can never take care of themselves and that they need to always go to their parents for approval.

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Disregarding Boundaries

A toxic parent may make their child feel as though their limits don’t matter or they are ignored. A youngster may come to believe as a result of this that they are not valued or that they are not permitted to hold independent thoughts or ideas. When a parent disregards their limits, it can give their child the impression that they are not significant or respected as individuals.