Categories: Motivation

Why People Don’t Set Goals

If you ask most people what is their one main objective in life, they would possibly give you a unclear answer, such as, “I want to be successful, be happy, make a good living,” and that is it. They are all wishes and none of them are clear goals:

What is the reason? Why people are not clear about their goals? There are many reasons,

A cynical Attitude

Always seeing the drawbacks rather than the possibilities.

Fear of failure:

What if I don’t make it? People feel subconsciously that if they don’t set goals and if they don’t make it, then they haven’t failed. But they are failures to begin with.

READ ALSO: How to overcome from fear of failure

A fright of rejection: People think always about others like… what they will say if I don’t make it.

A shortage of ambition

This is a consequence of our value system and lack of desire to live a satisfied life. Our inadequate thinking stops us from progress. There was a fisher man who, every time he trapped a big fish, would toss it back in to the river, keeping only the smaller ones. A man watching this uncommon behavior asked the fisher man that why he was doing this. The fisher man replied, “Because I have small frying pan. “Most people never make it in life because they are carrying a small frying pan. That is limited thinking.

Procrastination: “Someday, I set my goal.” These tie in with a lack of ambition.

Low self-esteem: Because a person is not internally driven and has no inspiration.

Ignorance of the importance of goal – Nobody taught them and they never learned the importance of goal setting.

A lack of knowledge about goal setting

People don’t know the mechanic of setting goals. They need a step by step guide so that they can follow a system.

These are the reasons why people don’t set goals. So Do you know how to set goals and achieve success?

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