Categories: Motivation

How To Overcome Regrets

“Never regret you past, rather embrace it as the teacher that it is.”

The most unfaithful drawback we are to avoid, according to the Bhagavad-Gita, is our habit of wasting our precious span of existence in vain regrets and futile anxieties over actual or imagined losses or disappointments. Time that has gone to fill up the ranks of the past cannot now help us. ‘Regrets of the past’ should be a past time only for the fools.

Time unborn still lies in the womb of future, thus it cannot serve us now – then ‘anxieties regarding the future’ should be dreams natural only to the impotent and the weak.


Let us not waste our time and opportunities in such unproductive regrets and equally wasteful anxieties. Let us bend our mind and body to the work that lies now, right in front of us. In ardent prayer let us learn to surrender all our anxieties and regrets to the lord of our heart – we must.

What will intelligent people do?

All intelligent men who have scored in the past were, throughout, sensible optimists in their life. Studiously they all took reasonable care to avoid at least repetition of their past mistakes and they were wakeful enough to learn from their errors. They never allowed themselves to be blinded by tears of regrets or fears.

Our strength should perennially cascade rom our realization of the immense resources that lie untapped in ourselves. The lord, the omnipotent, in all conditions’, says Gita. Therefore let us carry ourselves confidently; success shall be ours and, in fact, failure can only be ‘success delayed’ to every prompt servant of the lord.

The more is our surrender to him, the more shall he come to express himself through us. But our hearts are today full and there is no accommodation for the lord, the supreme prompter in all action. Therefore, we must keep on clearing out the daily accumulating mental rubbish. This inner ‘garbage disposal’ is achieved only by study of the scriptures for a short time daily and through our regular introspection and mediation.