The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Being helpless is a horrible feeling. Everyone would choose more power over less if they had the option. However, it is unacceptable to be overt in your attempts to gain control. You must be deceptive, democratic, and clever in order to get power. Therefore, bestselling author Robert Greene contends in his divisive book, “The 48 Laws of Power,” that if you are able to attract, charm, and fool your adversaries, you will achieve the height of power.

According to Greene, you will become a better companion, lover, and person as you get better at delegating authority. This happens because you develop the ability to boost other people’s self-esteem, which causes them to become reliant on you as a tremendous source of enjoyment to be around.

The 48 Laws of Power: What Are They?

Power is immoral in Greene’s eyes. This is a game. a game played with others. You need to be able to research and comprehend people in order to perfect it. However, you must always choose the most devious path to authority. A manual on the different techniques of indirection, “The 48 Laws of Power” is available. 

“The 48 Laws of Power” contains 48 nuggets of knowledge from men and women from a variety of nations and cultures that span a period of over 3,000 years and all have one thing in common. This knowledge has been condensed into Greene’s book, a comprehensive how-to manual on increasing one’s strength. It is an invaluable source of information for anyone trying to advance.

Summary of The 48 Laws of Power

Law 1: Never outshine the master

Make people above you feel confidently superior at all times. If you reveal how talented you are, your masters can become insecure. The more impressive your master appears, the more power you will wield. People in the positions above are entitled to feel confident and in charge. This can entail making a few simple errors so that you may approach your expert for assistance.

However, it would be advisable to steer clear of working for them totally if you have more natural charisma than your master.

Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies

Because they tend to be more prone to envy, friends are more probable to betray you in a hurry. If you recruit an ex-enemy, they will be more reliable because they have more to live up to. As a result, there’s more to worry about from friends than from enemies.

You frequently believe that you know your pals better than you actually do. This is due to the fact that sincerity rarely deepens relationships, therefore friends typically conceal their genuine feelings for one another. People may feel undeserved and ultimately bitter because they wish to believe they earned their fortune in employing a buddy. Hiring an adversary is preferable since it makes your motivations clear and unclouded by sentimentality.

Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions

Always be secretive about your aims. This prevents your adversaries from mounting a defense. If you mislead them, it won’t be too late for them to realize your intentions. Use people’s propensity to believe what they see to your advantage. Your opponents won’t understand what you’re actually up to if you present them with a fake set of plans.

By hiding your motives, you might make people think that you are amiable and trustworthy. This will take them even more astray. Additionally, since people like to trust the familiar, appearing bland and unassuming makes it even less likely that they will question your intentions.

Law 4: Always say less than necessary

Powerful people understand how they can attract others by speaking less. It is more likely that you will say something stupid the more you speak. Silence makes individuals uncomfortable because they constantly attempt to figure out what others seem to be thinking. You have a lot of power if you can manage what you expose. After all, they’ll probably fill in the gaps you leave, disclosing more about their own motives and shortcomings.

Law 5: So much depends on reputation, guard it with your life

The foundation of your power is your reputation. You may utilize it to scare others and win battles, but if it’s tarnished, you leave yourself susceptible to assault. Create a reputation that cannot be penetrated, and foresee attacks before they happen. By eliminating your adversaries, taking advantage of gaps in their reputations, and allowing the public to do it, you can help yourself in this attempt.

A good reputation can increase your power and prevent potential adversaries from learning your true nature. It boosts the way you appear and your abilities without requiring you to exert much effort.

Law 6: Court attention at all costs

You must stand out because everything is judged on appearance. Make yourself seem bigger, more intriguing, and more enigmatic than the rest of the crowd. Creating a buzz and scandal around your name is one method to achieve this. Remember that power comes from reputation of whatever kind. Being disparaged is preferable to being ignored.

To effectively counteract this strategy, surround oneself with mystery. Maintain tight control over your cards. People are fascinated to intriguing people. A sense of mystery makes you more noticeable and builds anticipation; everyone will be watching your every move.

Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit

Never attempt on your own what others can accomplish for you. Make use of their expertise to advance your own cause. You will come off as incredibly competent and efficient if you do this. The people who served for you will eventually be forgotten, but you will not.

You won’t succeed if you believe it’s crucial that you complete all the work by yourself. Find people who possess the abilities you lack and figure out a method to either use their work as substitute or hire them so you can claim credit for their accomplishments. To accomplish this, though, you must be in a strong position because otherwise, people will accuse you of lying.

Law 8: Make other people come to you, use bait if necessary

Making your rival come to you is always preferred since it forces them to change their plans and ideas. Draw them in, then launch an attack. Because of this, you can never respond to your competitors; instead, they must respond to you. This is playing the long game, taking a back seat, and maintaining your composure as others fall victim to the traps you have purposefully set for them.

Your traps, however, are only as effective as the apparent allure of your bait. If the lure is tasty enough, your adversary’s emotions will cause them to lose sight of reality, giving you the upper hand.

Law 9: Win through your actions, never through argument

Any victory you achieve through argumentation will be fleeting. Instead of a sincere shift in opinion, your opponents will simmer with resentment. Let your actions scream to you instead. You are more probable to influence people’s ideas in the long run if you persuade them with your actions rather than with your words. Words are plentiful, and individuals will say whatever to support their position. You show your beliefs by your actions.

Law 10: Infection: Avoid the unhappy or the unlucky

As contagious as diseases can be emotional states. Some unfortunate people occasionally bring their own bad luck upon themselves, and if you get too near, they may also bring you down. Therefore, be sure to surround yourself with the lucky and cheerful.

Before you understand they are the source of their very own misfortune, the hopelessly unhappy often present themselves as casualties, and by the time you do, they’ve infected others with their unhappiness. It matters a lot who you choose to associate with. You waste your time and diminish your potential by hanging out with the depressed.

Law 11: Learn to keep people dependent on you

Making other people desire and require you is necessary for independence. Your independence increases as more people depend on you. Be cautious not to provide those around you with enough knowledge so they may begin taking care of themselves, though. The easiest approach to influence someone without using coercion or suffering is with this technique. When you have dependents, you have control over them because they are dependent on you.

Law 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim

A single sincere deed can help hide the evidence of numerous dishonest ones. Even the most cynical people can be won over by generosity. Once you have disarmed them, you can control them as you choose. Distraction is the secret to a good lie. You can fool people by distracting them with kindness and turning them into submissive children who are delighted by the kind deed.

A skillful method to achieve what you want is to learn to offer before you take. Selective honesty can be used to neutralize your adversaries. A single fact will not be sufficient, though. To establish trust, you must create a façade of honesty based on a sequence of actions, however these actions may seem insignificant at first.

Law 13: When asking for help, appeal to people’s self interest, never their mercy or gratitude

When you have to ask for assistance, be sure your plea contains a perk for your friend that you can inflate beyond reason. When your ally realizes there is benefit to them, they will be more inclined to respond enthusiastically. The main driver of human behavior is self-interest. There are no boundaries to what you can do if you learn how to figure out what other people desire and use it to enhance your own goals.

Law 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy

Understanding your competitor is crucial. You can pose as a buddy and use ambiguous questions to gradually elicit information from your adversaries about their strengths and motivations. Once you are aware of this knowledge, you may more accurately anticipate their next move.

Ask others to keep an eye for you if you don’t want to pretend to be a friend. However, by allowing others to complete your task for you, you expose yourself to weaknesses while you gather knowledge. It’s always preferable to spy on someone while acting like a buddy.

Law 15: Crush your enemy totally

Partially crushing your adversary foretells their inevitable comeback and retaliation. In the end, only the annihilation of your adversaries will bring you peace and tranquility. If you can eliminate all of your adversary’s options, they will be forced to submit to your demands. You will have defeated them by providing them no leverage and little space to move.

Law 16: Use absence to increase strength and honor

You appear more common the more engaged you are. To improve the perception that you are valuable, cultivate a sense of scarcity around you. If you are now a part of an established group, try to occasionally disappear so that others will talk about you and think more highly of you.

You must be able to recognize when to retire in order to accomplish this effectively. By unintentionally threatening to leave them forever in the process, you compel their respect. It will appear as though you have been revived when you rejoin from your absence, and everyone will be happy to see you.

Law 17: Keep others in suspended terror, cultivate an air of unpredictability

Humans are beings of habit who scan other people’s actions for recurring patterns. Your opponents will lose energy trying to anticipate and understand your moves if you appear unpredictable. This entails occasionally striking suddenly. When you behave predictably, you cede control to other people. They will feel intimidated if you act in an unexpected way since they won’t comprehend you, they will think.

Similar to this, if you’re the underdog, utilizing an unpredictable move strategy can make your adversaries make a tactical error.

Law 18: Do not build a fortress to protect yourself, isolation is dangerous

You shut yourself off from important information if you choose to separate yourself from both your opponents and the rest of the world. You are now open to attack because of this. Being around people is always preferable because you are more protected in a throng. Humans are social beings, thus social contact is a prerequisite for power.

You must therefore put yourself in the spotlight if you want to become powerful. You should be the center of attention. When circumstances seem unsure, resist the desire to retreat. Search for former allies and force yourself into fresh social circles instead of withdrawing.

Law 19: Know who you’re dealing with, do not offend the wrong person

Pick your opponents carefully. Some people will spend the balance of their life pursuing retribution after being vanquished. Therefore, it is advantageous to avoid offending the incorrect person. In terms of gaining and retaining power, the ability to accurately measure people is of utmost importance. Before working with someone, make sure you fully understand them.

However, never trust appearances and never rely on your gut feelings to comprehend a person. To gain a more accurate sense of your target’s character, keep an eye on them for a while.

Law 20: Do not commit to anyone

Make sure you solely support yourself as a cause. At all costs, keep your freedom. You can use this to pit people against one another. When you refuse to support a cause, you inspire respect because you come out as invulnerable. You establish a name for independence.

Also, don’t make commitments to anyone. Avoid getting involved in pointless altercations. Pretend to be interested, but let others fight while you stand by and observe. Frequently, it might be a wise strategy to incite conflicts between parties in order to obtain control by mediating the conflict.

Law 21: Play a sucker to catch a sucker, seem dumber than your mark

Nobody likes to feel foolish. As a result, it’s a terrific tactic to make your adversaries think you’re wiser than they are. They won’t ever suspect you of having ulterior motivations if they start to think they are smarter than you.

Law 22: Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into power

Give up before you are ready to lose. You will have more time as a result to plan your retaliation and torment your adversary. By giving up, you prevent them from getting the joy of taking you out. By doing this, you give the act of giving up power.

By giving in, you gain an advantage since you trick your adversary into thinking they have won while you plan to ruin them. Because of the confusion this causes, your adversaries are less likely to attack you.

Law 23: Concentrate your forces

Put all of your energy into one power source to conserve it. Find a single springtime that will provide for you for a very long time when searching for such a source. Finding a single, rich source of power is preferable to hopping between numerous, shallow avenues of power in order to increase your power.

There is focused power. Any company will have a select few individuals pulling all the threads, and from them will come the power. As a result, power is similar to oil in that you only need to tap into it once to ensure a lifetime of power and wealth.

Law 24: Play the perfect courtier

The courtier uses subtle means to exercise power. They gradually amass an ever-increasing amount of authority by appeasing and bowing to their superiors and only imposing their power through charm and elegance. To become the ideal courtier, one can follow a number of steps, including the following:

Avoid being the bearer of bad news by adopting a nonchalant demeanor,

being sparing with flattery,

tailoring your language and style to your audience,

and never criticizing your superiors.

– elf-awareness;

 Emotional control;

Being a source of joy

Law 25: Re-Create Yourself

Refuse to play the part that society has assigned you. Create a distinct persona for yourself that attracts attention. Instead of allowing people define your image for you, take control of it. Imagine sculpting yourself from clay to become a powerful figure.

To do that, you must first develop self-awareness and emotional control. The next step is to develop a memorable character. Starting here, you can gain the ability to assume a variety of roles so that you can adjust to the demands of any given circumstance. But keep in mind that overreacting could backfire.

Law 26: Keep your hands clean

You must keep your appearance immaculate. Never let anyone link you with bad behavior. To accomplish this, use scapegoats to mask your involvement. What you withhold affects your reputation more than what you expose. You should always keep a handy scapegoat on hand in case you need to hide your more shady actions.

You’ll need a cat’s-paw as an additional to a scapegoat. This is a person who covers up your involvement while carrying out your dirty task for you. This entails having someone else deliver unpleasant news while you decide to only be associated with positive things.

Law 27: Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult like following

People desire to have faith in something. They are going to follow you if you pose as this cult-like thing, which would grant you boundless power. You should take the following actions to develop into such a person:

Keep your language vague, simple, and full of promise.

Focus more on excitement than intellect and reason.

Organize the group in accordance with the practices of organized religion.

Create an atmosphere of us vs them.

Law 28: Enter action with boldness

Everyone respects the brave. People look down on the timid. In light of this, you shouldn’t make a decision hastily. Your misgivings will be exposed, which will damage your reputation. Acting bravely is always preferable. It is simple to make up for blunders by acting more audaciously.

Most people don’t naturally have courage. You have to work on cultivating this habit. It needs to be worked on. Similarly, shyness is a quality that may be learnt. You must eliminate any timid behavior if you notice it and adopt aggressive actions in its place.

Law 29: Plan all the way to the end

Always make final plans. This entails considering every scenario that can keep you from achieving your ultimate objective. As a result, you are going to be able to plan for any unexpected events and safeguard your future with confidence.

This gives you the advantage because most people can’t see the big picture because they’re too caught up in the present. Before you take any action, make a thorough plan; avoid making any hazy plans. Your ultimate objective must always be obvious.

Law 30: Make your accomplishments seem effortless

Make it appear simple to succeed. If you want to avoid others becoming overly curious about your efforts and strategies, keep everything you did to achieve it a secret. Never tell somebody how you got in your position of authority because they might turn around and use them against you. There are several benefits to keeping quiet. Your power seems to increase in proportion to how enigmatic your acts seem to be. It will give the impression that you possess a unique gift that is limitless and impossible for anybody else to imitate.

Law 31: Control the options, get others to play with the cards you deal

Giving your opponents an option will make them feel as though they have some influence over their future. They won’t understand that you are utilizing them like a puppet to select between two outcomes, each of which benefits you.

People hardly ever take into account all the alternative options that can be available when given the option of choosing between two possibilities. Instead, individuals naively decide to think that they have decision-making liberty; too much freedom causes anxiety. You can influence your opponent by playing right into their hands by providing them with a limited set of options.

Law 32: Play to people’s fantasies

If you appealing to the truth, which is frequently terrible, you run the risk of being inundated with the rage of disillusionment. People will come to you instead because you’re appealing to their imaginations rather than their dissatisfaction of reality. You can create dreams that promise to be the antithesis of peoples’ existing realities which allows you to wield an incredible power by observing which elements of daily life are most despised.

Law 33: Discover each man’s thumbscrew

Determine your opponent’s weak point. This is frequently an uncontrollable emotion or need, or perhaps a hidden pleasure. So, keep an eye out for the following:

– Contrasts, as an explicit trait sometimes conceals the contrary (i.e., pride is often disguising insecurity), which implies some unresolved childhood trauma

– The weak link, who is frequently someone guiding their conduct from behind the scenes,

– Solutions to their lack of confidence or happiness in their ability to exercise substantial power – How to stimulate their irrational emotion so that you can regulate it for them because they won’t be able to do it themselves

Law 34: Be royal in your own fashion. Act like a king to be treated like one

The way you carry yourself in public will influence how people perceive and treat you. Make it appear as though you were born to have power by conducting yourself with respect for yourself, assurance, and dignity. We need to train ourselves to have childlike expectations and demands. If you truly believe you were meant for greatness, this conviction will spread and influence others to share it. Less is exactly what you’ll get if you ask for less.

Law 35: Master the art of timing

Patience is a virtue, so never appear hurried. Learn to be patient and to attack just when the moment is right. Time is a vision, thus you may stretch your vision of the future by controlling your emotions and making time seem to pass more slowly. You can develop patience and broad perspective as a result of this.

Law 36: Disdain things you cannot have, ignoring them is the best revenge

You appear more superior to others if you show less interest in things that annoy you. By recognizing your enemy, you offer them legitimacy and, thus, power. Contrarily, the more you would like something, the more difficult it is for you to obtain it since your desire is too intense and causes others to feel uneasy and afraid. Sometimes it’s best to just let things be. Your opponents will lose all patience with you if you turn back on whatever it is that you want.

Law 37: Create compelling spectacles

Your presence and power will grow if you make large, spectacular gestures. People won’t be able to see through your facade because they will be too distracted by it. Visual gestures have an affective strength and an immediacy that words lack, leaving little opportunity for interpretation. Images bind where words part. Make use of this to your benefit.

Law 38: Think as you like but behave like others

People will start to dislike you because you’re making them feel worthless by regularly defying the norm in public. To foster common touch, practice fitting in and masking your genuine emotions. You’ll be free to speak your actual beliefs in a focused way if you do this. You can spread your beliefs more widely and with greater likelihood after establishing a strong foundation of support.

Law 39: Stir up waters to catch fish

You can have an advantage if you can control your temper while upsetting your rivals. You can play with them and disrupt them at will by identifying their weaknesses. They will seem more foolish the more enraged they get. This will lessen their influence.

Law 40: Despise the free lunch

Never believe anything you receive for free. Anything worth having must be worth the price. The majority of free items come with a heavy psychological price task. By paying, you avoid being forced to act ungrateful, guilty, or dishonest. Furthermore, spending lavishly is a display of dominance. Generosity makes your adversaries more susceptible to being duped.

Law 41: Avoid stepping into a great man’s shoes

First things always seem more creative than second things. Avoid being lost in the shadowy corners of your forebears. By deviating from your forebears’ path, you must forge a unique name and identity.

Law 42: Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter

Typically, one person is to blame for all problems. You can reduce this person’s impact by finding them and keeping them from doing anything. Save your time because if you do, their impact will grow. Power is centered on one or two members in every organization. Consequently, it is crucial to know who is in charge of the group. This is more difficult because troublemakers like to hide their behavior. But if you cut off their electricity, they stop being useful.

LAW 43: Work on the hearts and minds of others

People will hate you if they feel pressured into doing something. Instead, you must entice others into acting in your favor without your intervention. You may manipulate people’s emotions and win their minds and hearts by becoming familiar with their psychology and weak points in order to win their loyalty. You can gradually bend someone to your preferences without them recognizing it by making them more pliable.

LAW 44: Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect

By acting exactly like your adversaries do, you can embarrass them and make them overreact. They find it difficult to figure out your plan since they are dazzled by your mirror because you have led them to believe that you share their beliefs. Giving your adversaries an example of their personal medicine is another effective way to teach them a lesson.

LAW 45: Preach the need to change, but never reform too much at once

Respect the way that people have handled themselves living up to this point, especially if you have just assumed a position of authority or are an outsiders trying to stake a claim to one. A uprising will result from too much change. Make a change appear to be a steady, smooth improvement over the previous situation.

LAW 46: Never appear too perfect

Even more risky than seeming superior to other people is appearing immaculate and without flaws. You prevent jealousy from growing and come off as more approachable by flaunting mild vices. By allowing envy to grow, it can take on a variety of negative forms that will ultimately attempt to strip you of your authority. Stop it dead in its ways by coming across as strong but not flawless.

LAW 47: Do not go past the mark you aimed for. In victory, know when to stop

Don’t let success deceive you. When you succeed, that’s frequently when you’re most exposed. Keep your overconfidence in check so you don’t go beyond your intended goal. There might be more foes made as a result than you can handle. Extensive strategic planning is needed. When you’ve succeeded, halt.

LAW 48: Assume formlessness

Being tangible makes you vulnerable to harm. You become ungraspable if you are flexible, adaptable, and active. Recognize and live the truth that everything changes, everywhere. You safeguard yourself from the reality’s ephemeral character by being transparent as water. You won’t evolve if you don’t alter, and someone else will seize your power. The ability to shift quickly allows the powerful to continuously adapt, which gives them power.