Peaceful Mind Works In More Creative Way

“Peace of mind produces right values, right values produce right thoughts. Right thoughts produce right actions.” -  Mark Richardson No…

Suresh Babu R

All Roads Are One In The End

One road winds over the mountains through storm clouds wild and cold - another runs out to the sunset in…

Suresh Babu R

Leadership Skills

Leadership - “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion…

Suresh Babu R

Best Quotes On LeaderShip

True leadership is about determined to befit superior in all regions of life and inspiring everyone near you to befit…

Suresh Babu R

Quotes On WillPower

In the absence of willpower the most complete collection of virtues and talents is wholly worthless. - Aleister Crowley “There…

Suresh Babu R

How to keep worry under control

"I believe God is managing affairs and that He doesn't need any advice from me. With God in charge, I…

Suresh Babu R

A Letter Took 116 Years to Reach Addressee

Sake Rabhai is man belong to China Deepakarp. He took 116 year to handle out the letter to the addressee.…

Suresh Babu R

Lost Time Cannot Be Restored

Lost wealth may be restored by Industry, The wreck of health regained by temperance, Forgotten knowledge restored by study, (more…)

Suresh Babu R

Never Give Up

NEVER GIVE UP - In our lives we all have a dreams and goals. In journey towards our goal one…

Suresh Babu R

Hope Is Our Guide To The Future

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. - Martin Luther King, Jr  "Never lose hope. Hope is…

Suresh Babu R